Monday 30 December 2013

Clutter affects your physical, mental and emotional energy. Donate unused clothes, household items or Christmas decorations and you will brighten someone else's holiday too.
Start 2014 with space in your life for new opportunities and experiences in a new home !!        
Clutter affects your physical, mental and emotional energy.
Donate unused clothes, household items or Christmas decorations and you will brighten someone else's holiday too.
  Start 2014 with space in your life for new opportunities and experiences in a new home !!!         

Tuesday 30 July 2013


Don't wait until the time or the market is just right to start investing--start now.The best time to plant an Oak Tree was 20 years ago--the 2nd best time is now.

Thursday 21 March 2013


The way of the world today is to keep on moving, no matter what direction you’re headed or how fast you’re going.

 I was doing an open house on very very cold day in January and had the pleasure of meeting a wonderful family, just stopping in for a peek. It was something to do on a Sunday afternoon and they were out and about anyways.

 They already had a newer home in a very nice area. We chatted for quite some time about this show stopper and I gave them the tour.  I must say they were the most down- to- earth, nicest family, I have met so far. We exchanged emails and I gave her my card and home feature sheet.

We kept in contact about this particular house and life in general. I got to know them on a personal basis and vice versa. We chatted over the phone and had coffee together. I took them back for some personal showings. This family ended up purchasing this home.  It was a fast paced decision because they could not stop thinking about it.

I received an email from them saying “thank you “for helping them to obtain their dream home. I have been invited over for margaritas.  Cheers!!!

All in all, whether I sold them a house or not, I gained some friends which are the best part.

I sold them a 1/2 million dollar home and they made me feel like a million bucks.


Thursday 16 August 2012



FENG SHUI- advocates living in harmony with the earths environment and energy lines so that there is
balance with the forces of nature.

FENG SHUI- contends that the environment is crowded with powerful, but invisible, energy lines.

FENG SHUI- offers ways of arranging the home so that these energy lines become harmonious and bring prosperity and harmony, rather than loss and discord.